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Bachman in drag

Bachman in drag

by digby

Mitt Romney, who on Wednesday said he would bring the nation’s unemployment rate to 6% as president, offered three ways he would achieve that goal in an interview Thursday.

“Well, there are a number of things,” Romney said on Fox News. “You start off by saying, let’s stop something that’s hurting small business from creating jobs and that’s ‘Obamacare.’ Get rid of it. No. 2, have an energy strategy that takes advantage of our natural gas and oil and coal, as well as our renewables. Those low cost energy fuels will ultimately mean jobs come back here, even manufacturing jobs that left here. And finally, get a handle on the deficit so that people understand if they invest in America, their dollars will be worth something in the future.”

So basically, the Romney economic plan is to end Obamacare, drill baby drill, and slash government spending (aka “deficit reduction” in GOP-speak.)

It’s a little surprising that this alleged Master of the Universe has adopted the Michele Bachman platform, don’t you think?


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