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Let them eat … nothing?

Let them eat … nothing?

by digby

I love it when people who have 250 million dollar contracts paying them to sit on their asses and spout lies for a couple of hours a day call other people lazy moochers:

“The fact that 88 million Americans aren’t working but they are eating Obama loves. Because he’s the one getting credit for feeding them.

And not only are they eating, but they’ve got their televisions and their cellphones and they’ve got cable. And a number of these 88 million who aren’t working but have food, have cable, have cellphone and have flatscreens may be saying, ‘what more do I need?'”

This extremely well-fed fatuous gasbag seems to believe that people should starve if they can’t find work. And if the little people have some food, a phone and a TV whah, there ain’t nothin’ more they kin want outta life!

Here’s the dining room of the apartment he sold in NYC for 11 million dollars. It looks as though it was designed to look like a cartoon version of Versailles, don’t you think?


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