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According to Chuck Todd, the Dems are jealous of the GOP’s diversity

According to Chuck Todd, the Dems are jealous of the GOP’s diversity

by digby

What the hell?

That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard. They had to go to red state to find a Hispanic mayor? Really? Did they forget about the mayor of the second largest city in the US, in the heart of the biggest Blue State in the US, Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles?

Here’s a partial list of high profile Democratic Hispanic officials:

Joe Baca (U.S. Representative from California)

Xavier Becerra (U.S. Representative from California, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Albert Bustamante (former U.S. Representative from Texas, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Cruz Bustamante (former Lieutenant Governor of California and Speaker of the California State Assembly)

Linda Chavez-Thompson (former vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, 2010 Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Texas)

Gery Chico (chairman of the Illinois State Board of Education)

Edward D. Garza (former mayor of San Antonio, TX)

Ron Gonzales (former mayor of San Jose, CA)

Charlie Gonzalez (U.S. Representative from Texas, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Raúl Grijalva (U.S. Representative from Arizona)

Luis Gutiérrez (U.S. Representative from Illinois)

Rubén Hinojosa (U.S. Representative from Texas)

Bob Menendez (U.S. Senator and former U.S. Representative from New Jersey, former chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and House Democratic Caucus)

Gloria Molina (chairwoman of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority)

Grace Napolitano (U.S. Representative from California, former chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Ed Pastor (U.S. Representative from Arizona, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Silvestre Reyes (U.S. Representative from Texas, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Bill Richardson (former Governor of New Mexico, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and U.S. Secretary of Energy, former U.S. Representative and chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Lucille Roybal-Allard (U.S. Representative from California, former chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Ken Salazar (U.S. Secretary of the Interior, former U.S. Senator from Colorado, former Attorney General of Colorado)

Linda Sánchez (U.S. Representative from California)

Loretta Sánchez (U.S. Representative from California)

José Enrique Serrano (U.S. Representative from New York, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Hilda Solis (U.S. Secretary of Labor, former U.S. Representative from California)

Esteban Edward Torres (former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, former U.S. Representative from California, former chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus)

Nydia Velázquez (U.S. Representative from New York, former chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, first Puerto Rican woman to be elected to Congress)

Antonio Villaraigosa (Mayor of Los Angeles, former Speaker of the California State Assembly)

You’ll note that the Secretary of Labor is an Hispanic woman. The Secretary of the interior is an Hispanic man. Senator Bob Menendez is just as much an Hispanic Senator as Marco Rubio. What’s he talking about?

I have little doubt that they wanted a young Hispanic mayor from a Red State for all kinds of reasons. But it’s not because the Democrats couldn’t find any Hispanics from a Blue State to speak. That’s absurd.

Also too, diversity? There are no black elected Democratic officials? Perhaps we should introduce them to the Congressional black caucus or Governor Deval Patrick. Not to mention that guy in the White House.

And 12 of 17 women Senators are Democrats, 54 of the House’s 76 women are Democrats. Governors Beverly Purdue and Christine Gregoire are both Democrats.

Now it’s true that nearly every single Hispanic and African American Republican is an elected official or a member of the media. But there are certainly more elected minorities and women in the Democratic Party. I think Chuck may need a nap.


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