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Sir Marco of Florida makes his pitch

Sir Marco of Florida

by digby

Shorter Rubio — up is down:

Now millions of Americans are insecure about their future. But instead of inspiring us by reminding us of what makes us special, he divides us against each other.

He tells Americans they’re worse off because others are better off. That people got rich by making others poor.

Hope and Change has become Divide and Conquer.

No matter how you feel about President Obama, this election is about your future, not his. And it’s not simply a choice between a democrat and a republican.

It’s a choice about what kind of country we want America to be.

We should remember what made us special. For most of history almost everyone was poor. Power and wealth belonged to only a few.

Your rights were whatever your rulers allowed you to have. Your future was determined by your past.

If your parents were poor, so would you be. If you were born without opportunities, so were your children.

And they’d like to make sure those traditions are honored and continued.

The sad truth is that Obama was sort of set up for this critique by his own hype. When you present yourself as the great healer who will bring everyone together, all it takes for the other side to call you a failure is to refuse to do it.

Still, this current crop of post-truth Republicans are really pushing the envelope. After all, are running a dynasty politician who traded on his famous name to make gazillions and then run for president. A man who’s backed by even wealthier scions who’ve parlayed their own inherited fortunes into a bottomeless pit of money while the rest of the nation suffers. It doesn’t exactly prove that the old aristocracy is coming back, but the signs aren’t good.


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