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Without irony, a Republican politician whines about rewarding mediocrity

Without irony, a Republican politician whines about rewarding mediocrity

by digby

Another smug GOP candidate claims that a whole lot of his fellow Americans are lazy, no-good losers who are addicted to Real Americans’ money. This one’s from Washington State 01:

KOSTER: Reform isn’t just taxing the rich, the very people by the way who create jobs. Our economic system has been the envy of the world for generations, but it seems to get more convoluted and more onerous every year. Under this administration it has become a system that punishes those who dare to dream, those who dare to invest, those who dare to work hard or succeed. It seems to reward the mediocrity — dare I say it, slothfulness and laziness — of those who choose not to do those things. Furthermore, it creates a dependency on government programs, even an addiction I would say, by virtue of the sense of entitlement that it creates. I can tell you, those people aren’t the 99 percent.

These are, by the way, the same idiots who are out there complaining every day about the president not creating enough jobs. So which is it? Are there a ton of great jobs that these lazy, slothful welfare queens refuse to take? Or are there no jobs out there and all these government addicted losers should just starve? What’s supposed to happen here?

I’ve been hearing some version of this garbage my whole life. But I have never seen so many right wing jackasses willing to stand up in public and basically say “fuck you” to so many of their fellow Americans at a time of economic hardship. And that they do it while blubbering like spoiled three year olds because the president once called a rich guy a “fat cat” and whining about how he waging “class warfare” is so astonishing I think they must be having a mental breakdown.

Unfortunately, this crude formulation is quite potent for a lot of people. I’ve been hearing from quite a few “civilians” (none of whom are millionaires, by the way) that they are petrified that their taxes are going up and they resent Obama for saying they “didn’t build that.” These are people who never built a thing in their lives, but they’ have some image in their minds that they are Galtian heroes. This stuff works.

And I’m afraid it makes me very cynical about the basic decency of my fellow countrymen.


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