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Republicans really don’t want the kids on their lawns

Republicans really don’t want the kids on their lawns

Gee, I wonder why conservatives are losing the young people:

Of course, old white guys lecturing everyone about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket is nothing new. Here’s St Ronnie waxing on about the good old days (in a speech that sounds suspiciously like the scribblings of Peggy Noonan.)

I’m pretty sure I was among those unpatriotic young people he was talking about. But even at the time a whole bunch of young people were following his lead and as they grew older they turned into middle aged jerks and are now close to being senior jerks. They won’t be a majority but they’ll still be jerks (with a lot of money) and they’ll still be pains in the ass. Even Bill O’Reilly was young once.


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