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Colbert on TMCP

Colbert on TMCP

by digby

I hadn’t heard the tape before …

Holy moley … Paddy Chayefsky couldn’t have dreamed that one up.

Recall this?

The House on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to condemn the liberal advocacy group for a recent advertisement attacking the top U.S. general in Iraq.

By a 341-79 vote, the House passed a resolution praising the patriotism of Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, and condemning a ad that referred to Petraeus as “General Betray Us.”

The liberal group’s full-page ad appeared earlier this month in The New York Times and has served as a rallying point for Republicans. President Bush called the ad “disgusting” and criticized Democrats such as Sen. Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for the party’s nomination, for being afraid of irritating the group.

“Such unwarranted attacks should be strongly condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike,” said Rep. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., during brief debate on the resolution.
Wisconsin Rep. David Obey, a veteran Democrat, recounted how he left the Republican Party during the era of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, R-Wis., and said that lawmakers have an obligation to criticize their allies as well as their enemies when they go too far.

“I’ve got an obligation to be equally upset when that kind of juvenile debate emanates from the left,” Obey said.

Yes, because General Petraeus was above politics and it was very unseemly to suggest otherwise. well he was above politics unless he decided that his very good pals “Rupert” and “Roger” were right and it was time for him to make his move.

I always had a bad feeling about this one. Paula Broadwell did the country a big favor.


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