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Blue America celebrates Elizabeth Warren — and endorses Ed Markey for Senate

by digby

We sent this letter to our supporters this morning:

Last year over 800 Blue America contributors put up some money for Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for the Senate. As you know, she ousted the incumbent, Wall Street shill Scott Brown. This week was her first opportunity to question witnesses from her new position on the Senate Banking Committee. I think if you chipped in– or even just rooted for her– you’ll be very proud of Senator Warren’s first indication of what her job performance is going to be like for the next six years. There’s a new sheriff in town! Look at what your work did– and while you’re there watching Elizabeth kick ass, consider helping the next Progressive Fighter in the Senate, Ed Markey.

It’s early in the 2014 election cycle but we want to let you know that Blue America already has a Senate page up. There are three candidates on it now, two incumbents who have done spectacular jobs since being elected in 2008, Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Al Franken (D-MN), and one challenger, Ed Markey, who many of you probably know from his work on environmental issues in the House of Representatives.

Ed has been one of the most consistently progressive members of Congress, across the board, and he’ll make a great successor to John Kerry as Massachusetts’ other senator. He and Elizabeth Warren will be an amazing team. But first he has to win a primary against a conservative, anti-Choice congressman, Stephen Lynch.

We’re eager to introduce you to a young state Rep who will run for Markey’s House seat when he advances to the Senate, but that will have to wait a little bit.

Meanwhile, if you can, please contribute to Ed Markey’s Senate campaign on the Blue America Senate page. Last cycle we helped elect Bernie Sanders, Tammy Baldwin and the star of that video above, Elizabeth Warren. Let’s keep up the momentum to create a powerful progressive caucus in the Senate!


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