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Smell the sulfur

Smell the sulfur

by digby

So, I woke up this fine morning, got my coffee and checked out my twitter feed to find that the Right is Up In Arms because google decided to honor Chavez instead of Jesus today.  I thought to myself, “well, Hugo Chavez is a controversial figure and maybe honoring him on Easter is an odd things to do.” Then I found out that it’s Cesar Chavez organizer of poor farm laborers and thought, “Jesus would so love that!”

But the right wingers are appalled, even though Cesar Chavez’s birthday, March 31st, today, is officially “Cesar Chavez Day” the “investigative reporter” who first sounded the alarm implies that it’s a political favor by Google since its CEO is an Obama supporter. Therefore, this is a Democratic Party plot — indeed, a White House plot, to demean Easter Sunday, the resurrection, and Jesus himself.  What could be more obvious.

Meanwhile, the outrage builds:

Because, it’s sacrilegious, that’s why!

Because Playboy bunnies are the only decent way to celebrate Easter. Honoring a man who helped the poorest of the poor is just another slap in the right wing’s face. Which is the same as slapping Jesus.

Felices Pascuas, everybody …


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