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When “pro-life” means death for everyone

When “pro-life” means death for everyone

by digby

I suppose it’s possible that anti-abortion activist Lila Rose believes this, but I doubt it:

“We can do better than pitting the life of a mother against her child,” she told The Huffington Post in an interview on Friday. “Abortions are never medically necessary. Some doctors prescribe abortion as if it’s a treatment for a disease or a problem, but that’s not a solution a truly compassionate and just society should turn to.”

You’ll notice that she doesn’t acknowledge that the “child” is missing its brain and will not live no matter what happens to this woman. That’s kind of an important detail don’t you think?

But then Lila Rose is a con artist who specializes in hoaxes designed to inflame simple-minded anti-abortion zealots and misogynists, so she is the last person on earth who would be interested in telling the truth about a complicated situation such as this.

Rose said the U.S. should look to Ireland as an example of a successful abortion ban. “Ireland is abortion free, and look at the way they’ve succeeded in protecting both the woman and the child,” she said. “That’s why Ireland has the lowest maternal mortality rate in the world.”

Ireland’s mortality rate may be among the lowest in the world, but the country experienced its own version of the Beatriz situation in late 2012. Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old woman who was 17 weeks pregnant at the time, died from an infection after doctors at a hospital in Galway refused to give her an abortion while she was experiencing severe pregnancy complications.

Rose said the consequences of abortion are worse than the consequences of requiring women to continue their pregnancies. “Think about what a late-term abortion does to a woman,” she said. “We can do better than pitting the life of a mother against her child.”

So, what this really comes down to is a depraved philosophy that would rather sentence both the mother and the child to death than allow an abortion. And the joke is that they call themselves “pro-life.”


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