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All American gun culture

All American gun culture

by digby

When gun nuts get mad at each other anything can happen:

They made fun of him for misfiring his gun — so a Florida bouncer shot and killed three of his colleagues, police say.

The senseless shooting Sunday stemmed from a filmed incident, a prank that caused the killer to harbor “ill will towards the three since this had occurred,” police said in a statement.

After being “punked” by his co-workers, Andrew Joseph “Punchy” Lobban, 31, was allegedly so upset that he shot Josue “Sway” Santiago, 25, Benjamin Larz Howard, 23, and Jerry Lamar Bynes Jr., 20, outside an Ocala nightclub early Sunday morning.

The men weren’t working at the time and reportedly were friends. But the incident at a shooting range, when Lobban misfired his gun, was caught on tape and apparently humiliated the accused murderer, Ocala Police Department spokeswoman Sgt. Angy Scroble told the Ocala Star Banner. The slay victims reportedly teased the hulking accused killer about the incident.

I’m not sure what lesson we can take from any of this except that in America it’s clear that making fun of someone with a gun can be a capital offense.


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