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Paul Ryan, knight in shining armor. Would John Galt approve?

Paul Ryan, knight in shining armor. Would John Galt approve?

by digby

Isn’t he just dreeeeamy?

If anyone thinks the GOP doesn’t see this as a huge GOTV issue for 2014 doesn’t understand how they work. They finally found something to justify their persecution complex and they are going to milk it for everything they’ve got. The fact that it’s ridiculous isn’t relevant. 

Their testimony today revealed a group of people who believe that being required to fill out forms is exactly like having their doors kicked down by jack-booted thugs and being hustled off to FEMA camps. Yes, it was that horrifying. A Kristallnacht for paper work.This is the paranoia Mitch McConnell is feeding when he repeatedly goes on about “the culture of intimidation” — right wing victimization know no bounds.

Meanwhile, this is a real culture of intimidation:

A member of Moms Demand Action said that she felt unsettled by their presence and said that the organizers would have to think twice before holding another event, particularly one where children could be present.

That’s what they call “freedom.”


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