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America F**k Yeah! We’re number 27!

We’re number 27!

by digby

I don’t know about you, but this makes me proud as punch:

Country                        Median Wealth
                                     Per Adult

1. Australia                   $193,653
2. Luxembourg              $153,967
3. Japan                        $141,410
4. Italy                          $123,710
5. Belgium                    $119,937
6. United Kingdom         $115,245
7. Iceland                      $ 95,685
8. Singapore                  $ 95,542 (non-OECD)
9. Switzerland                $ 87,137
10. Denmark                  $ 87,121
11. Austria                     $ 81,649
12. Canada                    $ 81,610
13. France                     $ 81,274
14. Norway                    $ 79,376
15. Finland                    $ 73,487
16. New Zealand            $ 63,000
17. Netherlands              $ 61,880
18. Ireland                      $ 60,953
19. Qatar                       $ 57,027 (non-OECD)
20. Spain                      $ 53,292
21. United Arab Emir.     $ 47,998 (non-OECD)
22. Taiwan                     $ 45,451 (non-OECD)
23. Germany                 $ 42,222
24. Sweden                   $ 41,367
25. Cyprus                     $ 40,535 (non-OECD)
26. Kuwait                     $ 40,346 (non-OECD)
27. United States           $ 38,786

But never fear, we’re still number one where it counts:

According to the Forbes report released in March 2013, there are currently 1,426 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, boasting a combined total net worth of $5.4 trillion. The United States has the largest number of billionaires of any country, with 442 as of 2013, while Russia and China were home to 96 and 95 billionaires respectively in 2012. Among U.S. billionaires, the average age is 66 years

So, you know, it’s not like everybody in America is a loser.


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