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Get ready for round two: Rick Perry is calling for a second special session

Get ready for round two: Rick Perry is calling for a second special session

by digby

He’s very determined:

Gov. Rick Perry is calling for the Texas Legislature to meet in a second special session to pass restrictions on abortion.

The first such effort died following a filibuster and rollicking late Tuesday night protest.

The announcement gives Republicans another crack at passing sweeping anti-abortion rules that would close nearly all clinics performing the procedure in the country’s second-largest state.

It passed the House, but died after Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis led a more than 12-hour filibuster effort. Hundreds of protesters then cheered, disrupting Senate proceedings as the session closed at midnight.

Perry can call as many 30-day extra sessions as he likes, but lawmakers can only take up those issues he assigns.

But he’s only doing it because forcing women to go through childbirth against their will is what ensures Real Americans’ freedom and liberty:


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