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The latest right wing political fad is just more of that old time religion

The latest right wing political fad is just more of that old time religion

by digby

I like Kilgore’s take on the latest political fad, “libertarian populism”:

I personally suspect that “libertarian populism” will dissolve in the acid test of electoral politics and constituency-tending into the class- and race- and generation-based resource scramble that has more in common with the more blatant special pleading of the Nixonian “silent majority” message and Rusher’s producerism than with anything properly called “libertarian.” And there’s a reason for that: as Krugman argues, libertarianism just isn’t popular among the white working-class voters who are ostensibly the GOP’s target in the absence of interest in or capacity for a viable appeal to nonwhite voters.

That gets back to what I was talking about yesterday, namely that the Pauls’ not-so-subtle appeals to “confederate values” are a necessary part of their strategy. They know that only a minority of even Republicans support their libertarian worldview and philosophy.  They’ll slap a can of “libertarian populist” paint on it but try to win with the same old dogwhistlin’, “silent majority”, states’ rights, Southern Strategy. Enthusiastically, I might add.


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