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by digby

A study of election integrity around the world found:

Experts were critical about flawed elections in several long-established democracies, such as Italy and Japan. Most strikingly, according to the PEI index, the United States ranked 26th out of 73 elections under comparison worldwide, the lowest score among Western nations. Experts highlighted concern over American practices of district boundaries, voter registration and campaign finance.

What with all the cracking down on non-existent voter fraud and runaway campaign contributions from billionaires, we can get down in the 50s in no time.

And hey, our vaunted electoral college guarantees that from time to time we will elect someone who fails to get a majority, and when there is a dispute in the electoral college we turn to outright banana republic tactics and allow the political machines to install someone who didn’t actually get the most votes. I’m thinking that if they took those practices into account we’d be down there with Malaysia and Indonesia.


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