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Awful conservative “comedian” thinks America loves conservatism, got suckered by “cool”, by @DavidOAtkins

Awful conservative “comedian” thinks America loves conservatism, got suckered by “cool”

by David Atkins

This idiot is the right wing’s answer to Jon Stewart. No, really:

Gutfeld said liberals use cool as a weapon and persuade people to do bad things simply by the virtue of their coolness.

“The cool has hijacked elections. The last two were decided not by heroism, but by hypnotists. John McCain was a prisoner of war hero, a respected senator. Mitt Romney was a charitable businessman, a governor, who ran the Olympics. They both lost to a political Ferris Bueller,” Gutfeld said, a reference to the character in the 1986 film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”

“The cool report the news, write the scripts, teaches our children, runs our government — and each day they pass judgment on those who don’t worship at the altar of their coolness. The cool fawn over terrorists, mock the military and denigrate employers. They are, in short, awful people,” he said.

Gutfeld said his book “attempts to expose this phenomenon and help you reclaim the real American ideal of cool, which is building business, protecting freedom at home and abroad, taking responsibility for your action, and leaving other people alone to live as they damn well please.”

This is the schlock feeding the conservative ID on Fox News. They still have to convince themselves that they have the silent majority, that people really do agree with their ideas on the whole, but that Americans got bamboozled into voting for Democrats.

Of course, it has nothing to do with “cool.” It has everything to do with Americans absolutely rejecting atrocious, immoral and wrong conservative “ideas”. Ideas like:

1) The rich create jobs. They don’t.

2) Women should be forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term. They shouldn’t.

3) The working poor are lazy, and can get rich if they just work harder. They can’t.

4) The rich got rich because they deserved it. No, most were either lucky or well connected, or got rich on Wall Street by killing real jobs.

5) More guns make people safer. They don’t.

6) Education will improve if we privatize it and let creationism be taught in schools. It won’t.

7) America will be better off if gay people can’t marry or serve in the military. It won’t.

8) Climate change isn’t real or caused by man or dangerous. It is.

9) Hard-working immigrants and their grandmothers should all be deported. They shouldn’t.

10) It’s more patriotic to give Blue Cross and Aetna your health insurance money, so their CEO can buy another yacht while denying healthcare to 1/6 of Americans. It isn’t.

11) Everyone in the Middle East is the same, and we can just bomb them all into freedom. They aren’t, and we can’t.

12) If we let corporations do whatever they want, the free market will regulate their behavior. It won’t.

It’s not that America agrees with conservative ideas, but got Svengalied by “cool.”

America despises conservative ideas with open eyes, and votes against them in every big election.

Americans are a lot smarter than frustrated, angry unfunny man Greg Gutfield.


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