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So, fraudulent voters are busy during the week?

So, fraudulent voters are busy during the week?

by digby

Can someone explain to me what this has to do with “voter fraud”?

Pivotal swing states under Republican control are embracing significant new electoral restrictions on registering and voting that go beyond the voter identification requirements that have caused fierce partisan brawls.

The bills, laws and administrative rules — some of them tried before — shake up fundamental components of state election systems, including the days and times polls are open and the locations where people vote.

Republicans in Ohio and Wisconsin this winter pushed through measures limiting the time polls are open, in particular cutting into weekend voting favored by low-income voters and blacks, who sometimes caravan from churches to polls on the Sunday before election.

Are they saying that more potential fraud happens on the week-end? That there is some correlation between voter fraud and having more available days to vote? I haven’t seen any evidence that this is the case but seeing as there’s no evidence of any kind of systematic voter fraud of any kind, I think it’s unlikely it exists. This is clearly just straight up vote suppression.

I wonder if there are any other legitimate democracies in the world that are actively trying to make voting more difficult?


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