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Poor put upon plutocrats. These rubes just won’t do as they’re told.

Poor put upon plutocrats. These rubes just won’t do as they’re told.

by digby

The Wall Street Journal is very upset with those icky Tea Partiers for ruining their perfect plutocrat plan:

“House Republicans may have scrambled enough on Friday to save themselves from a total meltdown. But this latest immigration debacle won’t help the party’s image, which is still recovering from the government shutdown debacle of 2011. A party whose preoccupation is deporting children is going to alienate many conservatives, never mind minority voters,” the op-ed read.

The Journal’s editorial page pointed out that the last-minute drama on the House floor drew attention away from the Senate, which was unable to marshal enough votes to move its own bill addressing the border crisis.

“This Democratic use of border children as midterm-election pawns should be the story, but instead the Deportation Republicans played into Mr. Obama’s hands,” the op-ed said. “Right on cue, the President held a press event on Friday at the White House that tattooed the GOP for refusing to solve the problem they claim is a crisis. The truth is that Mr. Obama doesn’t even care if the border bill passes. What he really wants is the immigration issue to bash Republicans and drive Hispanic and other minority turnout in states like Colorado that could determine Senate control.”

It just makes them look so bad to the Hispanics who would allegedly otherwise vote for people who hate their guts. What a mistake.

Poor plutocrats. They’ve funded and nurtured a party full of racists, xenophobes and nativists and now they’ve lost control of them. I guess they’ll have to rely on the Democrats to do all their dirty work for them. And oh hell, they’ve got a bunch of hippies to contend with.



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