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Dear Alabama and Mississippi Republicans: No, this is not your America. Sorry. by @DavidOAtkins

Dear Alabama and Mississippi Republicans: No, this is not your America. Sorry.

by David Atkins

Oh boy. Let’s take a moment to stand in awe of Alabama and Mississippi Republicans, shall we?

First, Mo Brooks of Alabama–this is a Congressman, mind–says that President Obama is “waging a war on whites“:

Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) doesn’t think that the hardline stance Republicans have taken on immigration could hurt the party’s standing with Hispanic voters. Instead, he thinks Democrats are hurting their prospects with white voters.

“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. “It’s part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”

Brooks was responding to comments made by National Journal’s Ron Fournier, who told Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday that “the fastest growing voting bloc in this country thinks the Republican Party hates them. This party, your party, cannot be the party of the future beyond November if you’re seen as the party of white people.”


But it’s not just him tied up over race. Our good old friend Chris McDaniel is still on the warpath against Thad Cochran, and trying to figure out just how loudly he can complain about black Democrats:

Still refusing to concede, Chris McDaniel’s team issued a press release late last week saying that the Mississippi GOP is “prohibited from recognizing Thad Cochran as their nominee for U.S. Senate in accordance with the rules of the Republican National Committee” — because Democrats participated in his election.

But a first draft of that same release, obtained by The Daily Caller, twice called out “black Democrats” as the culprits.

While both references to “black” were stripped out of McDaniel’s public press release, the “1st Draft” refers to “black Democrats” and talks about Cochran campaign soliciting “black Democrat votes.”

“Thad Cochran lost Republican votes in the runoff, but made up the difference with black democrat votes,” the early version says.

And here’s the same line from the copy that went out: “Thad Cochran lost Republican votes in the runoff and made up the difference with Democrat voyour tes.”

But it’s all good. All that good ol’ boy bile will go down nicely with a dose of old-fashioned theocracy:

A Republican congressman recently sent a copy of the Holy Bible to every member of Congress “to help guide you in your decision-making,” according to a letter obtained by TPM.

Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS) enclosed the Bible in his letter dated July 29 and sent to all House and Senate offices. The letter, written on an official letterhead in his capacity as assistant majority whip, was confirmed by Capitol Hill aides whose offices received it.

“On a daily basis, we contemplate policy decisions that impact America’s future. Our staffs provide us with policy memos, statistics, and recommendations that help us make informed decisions. However, I find that the best advice comes through meditating on God’s Word,” Palazzo wrote.

“Please find a copy of the Holy Bible to help guide you in your decision-making,” the congressman continued, saying the Bibles were donated by one of his constituents from South Mississippi named J.B. Atchison.

Let me break it to the Republicans of Alabama, Mississippi and the like: your culture and your worldview aren’t the majority culture and worldview in America. They aren’t even close to the majority. That’s why you lose. That’s why Barack Hussein Obama is President. That’s why he got re-elected President while you were busy unskewing the polls in fantasyland. And that’s why Americans cast millions more votes for Democratic congressmembers in 2012 than for your crowd. That’s why gerrymandering and low voter turnout are the only thing keeping your political skins in the game–at least until the 2022 census, which looms less than eight short years away.

Watching your angry howls of despair, kicking against the pricks in the knowledge that you have lost the culture war and are continuing to lose it, would be amusing except for all the damage that you are doing–both to yourselves and the country.

Absent a cataclysmic event of some sort, you have three, maybe five at the most more electoral cycles before the bell comes tolling and the bill finally comes due.

For all of our sakes, please don’t make it any harder than it has to be. This is not your America anymore, if it ever was. The Lost Cause is dead. Tara is gone and good riddance to it. Get over it and join the 21st century.


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