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Vote suppression is in their DNA

Vote suppression is in their DNA

by digby

Keep in mind that there is zero evidence of any systematic voter fraud in this country and zero evidence that any election has been illegitimately won on the basis of voters pretending to be someone they are not:

In a small one-story house filled with knickknacks and stuffed animals, Joy Dunn sat at her dining room table going over her absentee ballot. Turning the pages with long fingernails painted fire engine red, she said she wanted to make sure she had everything in order, as the vote she cast in March’s special election was never counted.

“I got a letter saying my vote wasn’t counted because I didn’t have ID. But I’ve been voting in this state since 1954 and I never had to have ID,” she told ThinkProgress. “I didn’t know I was supposed to send in an ID this time. Nobody told me.”

Dunn, who just turned 79, has several forms of valid ID, but says she was never notified that she had to include a copy of it with her absentee ballot. Arkansas is one of a tiny handful of state to require copies of ID from absentee voters, and the only state in the nation to make those over age 65 do. The only exceptions to this rule are for active duty service members and their spouses and residents of long-term care or residential care facilities.

This time, Joy is aware of the requirement, but it hasn’t been easy for her to meet it. Because of a foot injury that left her unable to drive, she had to ask a neighbor to take her drivers’ license to the library and bring her back a photocopy to include with her ballot. “I had to depend on somebody to go do it for me and that’s a hardship on me,” she said. “And most people don’t even have that kind of help! I think it’s unfair for a lot of us older people.”

She said this hardship reminded her of the very first time she cast a ballot, in Little Rock in 1954. She was forced to pay a $2 poll tax, which she said was “not much more” than people made working a full day’s shift. “It was a little white slip, looked like a rent receipt,” she said. “You had to have that slip to vote.”

The idea then was the same as the idea now: to keep African Americans and Latinos from voting. And when one roadblock falls they figure out a way to put up another one. It’s so obvious that I cannot believe they can deny it with a straight face. But they do — and then they start screaming something unintelligible about black panthers.

Believe me when I say that voter ID isn’t the end of it. Even if every voter in the country gets bar-coded the conservative party will find another way to suppress the vote of their opponents. It’s in their DNA at this point.



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