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Year Six Blues

Year Six Blues

by digby

Not unexpected but still …

Heading into the final weeks of the midterm campaign, the political landscape continues to tilt in favor of the Republican Party, with President Obama’s overall approval rating at the lowest level of his presidency and GOP voters signaling greater likelihood than Democrats that they will cast ballots, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Americans look to November and beyond with dissatisfaction about the state of the country and the political leadership in Washington. Two in three say the country is seriously off-track, and more than 6 in 10 say that neither the president nor the Republican contingent in Congress has a clear plan for governing.

Public impressions of the two political parties are similarly gloomy. Favorable ratings for the Democratic Party (39 percent) are at a 30-year low, and for the first time a majority (51 percent) gives the Democrats an unfavorable rating. The Republicans are even lower, with a 33 percent favorable rating. That is little changed since last year’s government shutdown, although the party’s unfavorable rating has improved.

Most worrisome for Democrats is that their candidates will be weighed down by unhappiness with the president. Obama’s overall approval rating stands at 40 percent, the lowest recorded in a Post-ABC News poll during his six years in office, though only a point lower than last month. Among independents, his rating is 33 percent.

The president’s economic approval rating is better, at 44 percent, and has been moving up over the past year, coinciding with better economic news and a decline in the unemployment rate. Disapproval of his handling of the economy is 51 percent, the best it has been since September of last year.

Everything feels like crap right now and the sixth year of a two term president.

The most important thing is for progressives to know in advance that the common understanding coming out of this will be that voters are unhappy with President Obama’s “liberal policies” and that it’s vitally important that the Party move right. They will insist that we need to be more corporate friendly and more hawkish.

It’s how they interpret every loss.

The good news is that for the moment the culture wars are favoring our side and they might not feel the need to go through one of those “soul-searching” exercises in which they discover that they’ve been hostile to Jesus and must become more “tolerant” of people who want to restore traditional patriarchy. (For now.)


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