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Dr. Carson throws his tin foil hat into the ring

Dr. Carson throws his tin foil hat into the ring

by digby

It’s very tempting to think that Dr. Ben Carson’s presidential run will be a joke along the lines of Herman Cain or Michele Bachman. And maybe it will be. But this is bound to impress a lot of people at least in the beginning because it’s impressive as hell:

Following an ABC News report that Fox News contributor Ben Carson is set to air an hourlong ad/documentary* “introducing himself to the American people” as part of a 2016 Republican presidential bid, Fox News has cut ties with him, according to aFox spokeswoman. The video is titled “A Breath of Fresh Air: A New Prescription for America” and, according to ABC News, will be heavily biographical, addressing Carson’s “rise from being born to a single mother with a poor childhood in Detroit to director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins for almost 40 years, known for his work separating conjoined twins.”

I wrote about Carson at Salon a while back. He is a very accomplished person.

He is also political nut who makes Cain and Bachman look like Howard Baker and Everett Dirkson by comparison.


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