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Those poor kids

Those poor kids

by digby

Mother Jones talked to the millennial conservatives at CPAC. It’s just …

[T]he candidate who aroused the most intense enthusiasm was Ben Carson. Evan, a 17-year old proudly wearing a “Run Ben Run” sticker on his lapel, was effusive in his praise. “He’s not run by lobbyists,” he said. “His policies are going to be what he believes in…he has integrity.” A group of college students relaxing on couches in the expo hall agreed that if the GOP wants to win in 2016, Carson needs to be a factor. “I love Ben,” said Blake, a college student from Illinois. Carson is, he said, “the Ben Franklin of our time.” Others in the circle agreed: “Ben Carson is almost too smart” for the American voters to truly understand him, another student said. An idea began to form: what about Carson as VP, and Walker as president? The group howled in approval: “Yaaaass!”
“This is my first time here,” said a 20-year-old College Republican. “But I heard it’s easier to get laid at CPAC than on spring break.”

Those poor, poor kids …


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