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Fatuous argument ‘o the week: Governor Steve Beshear

Fatuous argument ‘o the week: Governor Steve Beshear

by digby

In a brief for [Democratic!]Gov. Steve Beshear, Kentucky attorneys argue the state’s ban on same-sex marriage isn’t discriminatory, because it’s a ban on same-sex marriage — not gay marriage:

Kentucky’s marriage laws treat homosexuals and heterosexuals the same and are facially neutral. Men and women, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are free to marry persons of the opposite sex under Kentucky law, and men and women, whether heterosexual or homosexual, cannot marry persons of the same sex under Kentucky law.

Right. There are a ton of heterosexuals wanting to marry one another and they will suffer equally under this ban.

This brings to mind that famous quote from Anatole France:

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.


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