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Tucker Carlson is very, very upset

Tucker Carlson is very, very upset

by digby

TUCKER CARLSON: The demagoguery around this is really nauseating I will say, echoing George Will’s comments. We’ve always made exceptions for religious minorities. Quakers can become conscientious objectors. So you have a country where religious minorities get to choose which wars they fight in, but not whether to serve cupcakes at a wedding that would violate their religious principles? That’s insane!

And I have to say, all the talk of tolerance that a lot of us took at face value in the ’90s and even last decade — ‘Why can’t we all just get along, you accept me, I’ll accept you,’ — they didn’t mean it at all. These are absolutists, these are jihadis, people who want to make you obey, that don’t brook any opposition to their world view at all. They will crush you.

As one of my editors, one the smartest people in the office Jim Antle said, ‘Today’s social liberals are very much like the stereotype of yesterday’s social conservatives. They set the societal norms, and anyone who deviates from them is punished.’ That is not tolerance! That’s authoritarianism.

Boo fucking hoo.

Here’s an example of conservative tolerance from just last week:

Whiny little self-righteous bitch. “Appalling?” And with such an ironic name, too… Spitalnick? Ironic because you just know she has extreme dick-fright; no chance has this girl ever had a pearl necklace. Spoogeneck? I don’t think so. More like LabiaFace.

That was Tucker Carlson’s brother talking about Bill de Blasio’s press secretary. Here’s what the very sensitive and tolerant Tucker said about that:

In response to a request for comment from BuzzFeed News, Tucker Carlson said, “I just talked to my brother about his response, and he assures me he meant it in the nicest way.”

I ask you: is there anything more pathetic than mean, hypocritical, powerful wingnut conservatives whining about liberal intolerance? Suck it up. It’s embarrassing.


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