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He’s not a gutless milksop, he’s not!

He’s not a gutless milksop, he’s not!

by digby

Poor Rand Paul. For a guy who purports to believe in total personal responsibility he sure does whine a lot about how everyone is being unfair to him:

“The funny thing about it is that it’s kind of a sexist position to think that somehow women announcers are less capable to handle themselves than men,” Paul said when Conway praised his testy response to Savannah Guthrie’s questions about his changing foreign policy positions. “I don’t think that, but everybody that was complaining about it, thinking it had something to do with gender, basically that’s insulting to the people doing the questioning.”

“Really the problem is that we have a lot of media that are just so far on the left that we just don’t have any neutral questions,” Paul continued. “If you go on there as a Democrat, they laugh and yuck it up and talk about how great things are going, but it’s a little bit different when Republicans are on the national news.”

It’s cute but unconvincing. The problem obviously isn’t that the women were incapable of handling themselves. They handled themselves just fine. It was Rand who couldn’t handle himself, “shushing” and angrily interrupting like somebody’s embarrassed husband when he’s caught in bed with the babysitter.

You can’t blame him. Those nasty beyotches were asking him about his rank hypocrisy and inconsistent pandering on national security in light of his bogus reputation for integrity. He can’t stand for that. Why, he’d look like a gutless milksop if he let them get away with it. And that would totally defeat the purpose of the pander.


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