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QOTD: Rush

QOTD: Rush

by digby

“The left respects and applauds militant Islam’s effort to shut down free expression, i.e., the drawing of cartoons of the prophet.

The same left, however, demands that Christians (say Catholics; Hobby Lobby is an example) pay for health insurance that would pay for abortions and things that make them happen. Well, by the same token, if the left is to be consistent, shouldn’t Muslims be forced to pay for these cartoon contests? Now, follow me on this. I am the mayor of Realville. As such, I am possessed with logic sometimes to my own detriment because other people aren’t.

But if the left says that Christians, despite opposition rooted in their religion, must pay for people who want to have abortions to have them — if the left says that Christians say, like at Hobby Lobby, must pay for any drug or whatever is necessary that facilitates an abortion even though they have a religious opposition to it — by the same token, does it not make sense that the left should be demanding that militant Islamists pay for these conventions that have cartoon contests with the prophet Mohammed?”

It’s this kind of shit that turns conservatives into fools.

Yes, I’ll fight for his right to utter this toxic bilgewater. Free speech is free speech. But I don’t have to defend what he’s saying. Which is utter nonsense.

*I especially like the phrase “things that make them happen.” He’s talking about birth control. Which, by the way, doesn’t make them happen. But that’s just one of half a dozen total bullshit falsehoods in that little speech. Not that it matters. He’s free to say it. And make hundreds of millions of dollars doing it. Poor persecuted wingnut that he is.



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