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QOTD: Cruz

QOTD: Cruz

by digby

He’s very upset:

“The Court injected itself into politics…what a crazy system to have the most important issues of our day decided by unelected lawyers.”

He has a point:

Back in late 2000, Ted Cruz found himself with one of the hottest tickets in town.

As a former clerk to Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Mr. Cruz, a junior aide on George W. Bush’s presidential campaign, had scored a seat inside the Supreme Court for the oral arguments in Bush v. Gore, which would decide the election.

That was completely different, of course.

The problem now is that evangelicals and protestants are being discriminated against because there aren’t any of them on the court. It’s just a bunch of Jews and Catholics and you know how they are.

There was a time not so long ago that the conservative evangelicals happily allowed the conservative Catholic intelligentsia carry their water for them. After all, there was a long tradition of intellectual religious thought in the Catholic Church that made for good conservative legal cred and so they pushed Alito, Scalia, Roberts, Kennedy and Thomas to the court with the understanding that they would be good on their issues.

Now they feel there is something “different” about them and that the court is just too full of all these big city Catholic and Jewish lawyers. Evangelicals are now victims of discrimination.

You knew that was going to happen, right?


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