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Can Real Americans be terrorists?

Can Real Americans be terrorists?

by digby

Gawker caught this from terrorist hating (well, except for those nice Irish boys in the IRA) Congressman Peter King:

On ABC’s This Week Sunday, King explained that since jihadis have killed a terrifying total of 28 people in the USA since 9/11, and non-jihadi terror attacks have killed a negligible 48, radical Islam is definitely the far greater threat:

Every murder is horrible … There is no comparison between these white supremacists and an internationally coordinated movement which, if the attacks were not stopped, we could have thousands and thousands of deaths.

King was frankly disgusted by the comparison, because come on, people, everyone knows Muslims are far scarier than rightwing guys with large weapons caches and their own weird dreams of inflicting mass casualties:

“Everything should be investigated, everything should be stopped,” King said. “But to compare these deranged white supremacists with an organized international terrorist movement, that’s The New York Times at its worst.”

Obviously. Because Islamic terrorists are organized and want to kill us all — in increments of 28 per decade, more if possible — while white supremacists are by definition deranged lone nuts who have no organizational ties whatsoever, and more importantly, speako the English.

The people who were killed in the Boston bombing are waaaay more dead than those who were killed in the Charleston massacre. That’s just a fact.

This also flies in the face of what every terrorist “expert” has been telling us about the threat in America — “lone wolf” attacks. They aren’t invading and they aren’t staging massive attacks like 9/11. The threat is from some loser who reads something on the internet and builds a bomb or shoots someone. That’s a terrible thing but it’s no more threatening than Dylann Roof and his personal jihad.

Peter King is showing his little white slip and it isn’t pretty.


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