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Trump cheats at golf. Stop the presses.

Trump cheats at golf. Stop the presses.

by digby

Oy Vey. He cheats but he’s a lot of fun so it’s all good. Whatever. I can’t think of anything I care about less than anybody’s golf game. But following up on my piece below, check this out:

Trump has shown that his candidacy is immune to the types of attacks that can bring down normal Republican candidates. He’s on record mocking a war hero and praising Nancy Pelosi, he’s advocated for higher taxes, donated to Democrats and called for single-payer health care. None of that has mattered. But does his golf history provide opponents with the opening they need?

They have totally accepted the fact that calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, proposing to deport millions of people (including American children), talking about women like dirt, starting trade wars and real wars isn’t something that would bring down “normal” Republican candidates. That’s just par for the course these days. Praising nancy Pelosi, however, would “normally” bring down any candidate.

Can we see how weird this is getting?


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