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QOTD: Fiorina

QOTD: Fiorina

by digby

“When you’re talking about massive layoffs, which we did, perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else.”

[A]fter Mrs. Fiorina emerged from a relatively smooth primary (with the exception of a bizarre ad that portrayed her opponent as a demonic sheep), the Boxer campaign unleashed attacks on her HP record. The barrage came against the backdrop of the state’s more than 12 percent unemployment rate.

In one ad, called “Outsourced,” footage showed Mrs. Fiorina defending sending jobs overseas. “When you’re talking about massive layoffs, which we did, perhaps the work needs to be done somewhere else,” she said.

In another, called “Workers,” former HP employees spoke solemnly into the camera. “I had to pack my bags, and I was out the door that night,” said Larry, who worked at HP for 10 years. Another victim of the layoffs, Teri, said, “We even had to train our replacements.” (Mrs. Fiorina has said she saved 80,000 positions.)

Jim Margolis, the ad maker for the Boxer campaign, is now a senior media adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“People don’t know her yet,” Ms. Boxer said in an interview before last week’s debate. “What they’ll understand pretty quickly is that she is the face of income inequality and Wall Street greed.”

Keep in mind Fiorina ran during the greatest national Democratic bloodbath in recent memory — 2010. And she lost by double digits.

Her senate campaign manager said that GOP voters didn’t care about her failed record only the general electorate. As if that is a selling point.

The problem for Fiorina is that unlike Romney or Trump, this failed business record of hers is literally the only accomplishment she’s got. She has never done a thing beyond that in her life. She climbed the corporate ladder in one company, damn near destroyed it, was fired and that’s it. It’s deeply ironic that she loves firing this nasty line about airplane miles not being an accomplishment at Clinton when she should be worried about using the word at all lest someone start asking what hers are.


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