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Ben Carson thinks debates should be like friendly fundraisers with supporters

Ben Carson thinks debates should be like friendly fundraisers with supporters

by digby

John Amato got this exactly right:

In Carson’s world, the candidates should gather round, eat cheese and crackers, talk a little policy with Sean Hannity, let the voters get to know them. Explain their thoughts without having to bother about facts and other nonsensical things.

It’s true. Here’s what he said:

CARSON: Well I think we should have moderators who are interested in disseminating the information about the candidates, as opposed to, you know, ‘gotcha’ ‘you did this’ and ‘defend yourself on that.’ you know, what is very important right now, we have so many incredible problems that are facing us as a nation, you know, we’re being divided, we’re fiscally irresponsible which is creating an unstable economic foundation, you know we’re not taking an appropriate place in the world in terms of leadership.

Basically he thinks “debates” should be infomercials where a “host” acts as if he or she is “interviewing” the salesman and the “audience” pretends to be thrilled and claps wildly at every applause line. You know, the kind that features “testimonials” like this:

Or like this (which is actually much less irresponsible that the one Dr Carson endorsed, although charging people for a “kit” to tell them to lose weight and eat less sugar is still a scam, just less medically irresponsible.)

I think Carson may be a person who suffers from psychological disorder called extreme gullibility. It seems to me that he simply believes everything he reads and sees. And since he’s also in the wingnut bubble he reads and sees a whole lot of crazy rubbish.

I agree with this from Amato too:

The smugness in which he answered Martha’s questions was unsettling. I think he really believes he’s above the primary process and shouldn’t be subjected to it at all.

Unsettling yes. Also too, very creepy. His preternatural calm is started to really freak me out.


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