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How about they stop with the cynical “strategizing”? #anti-abortion #byanymeansnecessary

How about they stop with the cynical “strategizing”?

by digby

This Buzzfeed article goes into the truly tough position in which all these forced childbirth zealots find themselves when somebody takes their shrill, lurid propaganda seriously:

The pro-life movement, as it describes itself, has not found its high-profile success so squarely linked to violence since the late 1990s, when the organized Army of God network murdered seven in a series of attacks. Anti-abortion killings fell dramatically since then, with the horrific exception of the murder of Dr. George Tiller in 2009 by a man who had been in contact with a former Operation Rescue official.

But Dear represents a different, and in some ways more confounding, challenge that increasingly arises for movements of all stripes, particularly when they capture the power and passion of social media: How to prevent public momentum from spilling over into deadly violence.
Movement leaders have few answers, but say they are alert to the dangers of extremism.

How about they stop putting out hoax videos and using incendiary and inaccurate language like “baby parts” when they know very well that they are employing a “tactic” to rile up the public?

How about they stop enacting laws in states around the country by putting onerous, ridiculously unnecessary regulations on clinics so they will be shut down?

How about they stop all this smug, cynical “strategizing” to achieve their goals and simply make the arguments on the merits? How about they stop lying?

When you decide to try to attain your goals by any means necessary, people get the idea that anything goes. Including murdering innocent bystanders and police officers.

This is on them.


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