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Gunning for Trump from all sides

Gunning for Trump from all sides

by digby

This doesn’t appear to be coming from Cruz supporters like Richard Viguerie. This one is coming from a former Romney establishment type:

With less than two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, a new super PAC has formed with the intention of taking down Donald Trump.

The group, which is called Our Principles PAC, is founded by Katie Packer, a veteran Republican strategist who served as deputy campaign manager on Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.

This week, the group sent out mailers to Iowa voters attacking Trump, who polls show is in a tight battle with Ted Cruz in the state, where caucuses are to be held on Feb. 1. In a filing with the Federal Election Commission, the group has reported spending nearly $45,000 on mailers.
Additionally, the super PAC has reserved more than $3,000 in spending on Iowa radio stations, according to a media buying source.

Packer has spent months in talks with Republican donors and operatives to gauge financial interest in an anti-Trump campaign.

In a brief interview on Thursday, Packer wouldn’t comment on the group’s plans other than to say: “Our Principles PAC has focused on conservative principles and ensuring that voters have the necessary information to make a wise decision on Election Day.”

I would normally think this would be a devastating blow against Trump. But as I wrote earlier, I don’t think his voters really care about any of that.

The only thing I’d guess that hurts him is the thing where he seemed to say that undocumented workers who’d been here for a while should be allowed to stay. That’s being wishy-washy on the central promise of his campaign: deportation. And it’s the thing his supporters like the most about him.

It’s possible that they may find his “liberal” positions to be hypocritical but I don’t think they really care that much. They know he’s a rich guy from New York. As long as he wants to Make America White Again they’re good.


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