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The nasty Huckabee to the rescue

The nasty Huckabee to the rescue

by digby

He and Trump are made for each other. He’s got exactly the right kind of nasty, wingnut populist vibe to work really well with Trump. His phony religiosity, as exemplified by his embrace of the psychopathic Ted Nugent perfectly reflects Trump’s “evangelical” supporters. He’s definitely VP material.

There’s goes that vicious sense of humor everybody loves so much.  I’ll bet members of the press laughed out loud over that one.

More from Huffington Post:

Asked during a brief interview whether he shared the concerns of Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) that Trump had created a “toxic environment” by frequently imploring his supporters to respond violently to protesters, Huckabee scoffed.

“No, I think it’s ridiculous to blame Trump for a bunch of thugs out on the street– people coming in and trying to shut down somebody else’s speech,” Huckabee told The Huffington Post. “If they don’t like Donald Trump, vote for somebody else, and don’t show up. And leave the place with empty seats. But to try to shut someone down, that’s not how America works.”

Huckabee’s use of the word “thugs” to describe the Chicago protesters echoed Trump’s own language. “The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment Rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!” the real estate mogul said in a Twitter post.

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