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Cruz goes into the belly of the beast

Cruz goes into the belly of the beast

by digby

This is a fascinating exchange between Ted Cruz and a Trump supporter in Indiana today. I urge you to watch the whole thing. I think it perfectly illustrates two of the fault lines in the GOP today:

Cruz deploys all the usual right wing talking points and exposes Trump as the liar and hypocrite he is. But it does little good. Trump’s supporters show exactly why they love Trump: he distills politics down to zingers and attitude. Cruz is a completely different animal.

These supporters are clearly following this election very closely and know all the controversies and details. Trump is hero to them, speaking for them. It has absolutely nothing to do with policies or even politics. This is about winning, just like the Donald always says.

Here is some of the stuff that was said or shouted to Cruz in that scrum:

Lyin’ Ted!

The Wall.That’s the main thing!

He’ll take down ISIS, he’ll take down the whole damn thing

Career politicians have killed America!

Ok Lyin’ Ted

You are the problem, politician, you are the problem!

Where’s your Goldman Sachs jacket at we know your wife works there.

I believe in Trump he’s the only one who’s gonna put us where we need to be

What are you gonna do about the 2nd Amendment?

You’re lying like you always do

Indiana don’t want you …

Personally I think it takes some guts to do that. Cruz is a nerd and it shows and these aren’t the kind of people who are going to be persuaded by his arguments. But if they show it on TV in Indiana tonight a few people might think to themselves that Cruz has a little more intestinal fortitude than they realized.

I don’t know how many of those Trump folks exist in the country but it numbers in the many millions I’m sure. They don’t respond to arguments. They respond to dominance. And Trump’s delivering it.


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