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QOTD: Richard M Nixon

QOTD: Richard M Nixon

by digby

Rick Perlstein wrote in to point out that the Nixon quote I featured yesterday is actually much more interesting:

I don’t think any woman should be in any government job whatsoever. I mean I really don’t. The reason I do is mainly because they are erratic. And emotional. Men are erratic and emotional too but the point is that women are more likely to be.


“The second problem is that in terms of the Court I know that that’s like living with somebody inside a spaceship.


“See, you’re just one little group of people”


“What about that poor Burger? What he’d have to go through? So from the standpoint of that I just think we shouldn’t have a woman. There should never be a woman there.”

He did go on to game out whether it might buy him some votes and concluded that if it could get him a couple of points it might be worth it.

You don’t hear a lot of that sort of talk these days among politicians although Donald Trump is coming close when he says something like this:

“Frankly, all I’m doing is stating the obvious. Without the woman’s card, Hillary would not even be a viable person to run for city council.”

As we watch the Republican party start to coalesce around their self-declared presumptive nominee keep in mind that he’s an unreconstructed Nixon on this particular issue (and plenty of others.) And millions of Republicans don’t seem to mind.


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