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Benghazipalooza fizzle

Benghazipalooza fizzle

by digby

Well hell. Right Wing Watch reports that Trey Gowdy had to make a little confession today:

A central element of conservative conspiracy theories spread in the aftermath of the September 11, 2012 attack on our diplomatic facility and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya, has been the myth that the military could have responded to the attack more quickly and therefore saved lives. 

In the most outlandish version of this story, President Obama or Hillary Clinton ordered the military to “stand down” rather than come to the aid of the Americans who were under attack. 

Earlier this week, a letter from two House Democrats to Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican who is chairing the select committee investigating the Benghazi attack, revealed that the GOP’s own chief investigator acknowledged during the investigation that nothing “could have been done differently to affect the outcome in Benghazi.” 

In an interview on Fox News today, Gowdy responded to this newly released information by acknowledging, “Whether or not they could have gotten there in time, I don’t think there is any issue with respect to that — they couldn’t.” 

They’ve spent nearly seven million dollars on this ridiculous investigation.  And this obvious fact, known from the beginning, is where we have landed.

It will never be fully resolved because conspiracy theorists live in a world of their own. And unfortunately, much of our politics is not nothing more than a bunch of shrieking conspiracy theories. So I won’t hold my breath for this to be over. Still, if there’s any hope of a return to reason this sort of thing might come in handy as we try to sort out the crazy.

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