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How much abuse can a woman candidate take? #primaryqualificationforthejob

How much abuse can a woman candidate take? #primaryqualificationforthejob

by digby

This is from a New York Times article about all the character assassination and slime Trump is openly promising to throw at Clinton.

She has decades of experience and qualifications, but it may not be merit that wins her the presidency — it may be how she handles the humiliations inflicted by Mr. Trump.

Of course it is. A gal’s got to show she can take a beating or she won’t be respected, amirite?  Isn’t that how it works? And a narcissistic fascist demagogue who slept through school after the 5th grade will not be judged on his fitness or his qualifications either but rather how skillfully he degrades the first woman nominee for president. And his decades of treating women like chattel, sexually harassing them at work and boorishly behaving like a demented throwback to something out of “Mad Men” are a cause for celebration, apparently:

“I will comment on this in the spirit of Reince Priebus,” Mark Halperin said, “If that’s the best they got on these issues and Donald Trump, Donald Trump should be celebrating that story.”

Right. There’s nothing even slightly creepy about this comment about his baby daughter Tiffany, when asked what she inherited from her parents:

“I think that she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s really a beautiful baby,” Trump said. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet but time will tell,” he added, holding his hands in front of his chest to represent breasts.

Nah, nothing weird about a man who cannot even see his own baby daughter as anything but a sex object.  Perfectly normal. Nothing to see here, let’s get on with the national ritual humiliation of that horrible Hillary Clinton.

God this is going to be awful.  I’m already sick to my stomach.



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