Politics and Reality Radio
with Joshua Holland
This week, we’ll be joined by veteran Nevada political journalist Jon Ralston for his take on what went down during the Democratic Party’s chaotic state convention. It led to a week of recriminations, but who was really to blame?
Then we’ll speak with Cynthia Pompa, a field organizer for the New Mexico chapter of the ACLU. The organization filed a complaint with DHS this week alleging that Customs and Border Protection agents routinely abuse people going about their business in the Southern border region — and routinely get away with doing it.
Finally, Joshua Holland shares some of his concerns about this seemingly endless Democratic primary contest.
Curtis Mayfield: “Pusherman”
Lucinda Williams: “2 Kool 2 B Forgotten”
Inner Circle: “We ‘a Rockers”
James Taylor: “Country Road”
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