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QOTD: Jeffrey Lord, Trump groupie #1

QOTD: Jeffrey Lord, Trump groupie #1

by digby

John Amato caught this doozy from Trump mouthpiece Jeffrey Lord. When asked about how Trump planned to sell his immigration policies, he replied:

 “What I think he’s going to do is appeal on economic grounds and frankly humanitarian grounds.”

 That’s a good one.  Sally Kohn, who was also on the panel replied:

“Donald Trump wants to round up, detain and deport eleven million people and bar Muslims, 1.4 billion of the world’s Muslims, 20-30% of the entire world, ban them because of their faith..” 

Lord interrupted, ” That’s not correct, Sally…” 

Kohn was unfazed, “Ban them from seeing their family members and loved ones…no, no, no, but he’s going to run as a humanitarian? That’s going to be fun. (laughter) Just you know…”

He responded by asking if she wanted mass murderers to come into the country.


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