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Imagine Trump in control of the FBI

Imagine Trump in control of the FBI

by digby

A lot of people are talking about Jake Tapper’s interview with Trump and if you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s your duty as a citizen to bear witness to what Republicans have decided is worthy of leading the most powerful nation on earth. Never forget.

Perhaps, you say, that it was just a bad week. or a bad interview. Well, take a look at what he said on Face the Nation:

“He is a member of a club or society, very strongly pro-Mexican, which is all fine,” Trump told “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson in an interview that will air Sunday. “But I say he’s got bias. I want to build a wall. I’m going to build a wall. I’m doing very well with the Latinos, with the Hispanics, with the Mexicans, I’m doing very well with them in my opinion.”

Later, when asked if he believed a Muslim judge would treat him unfairly because of another controversial proposal to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the U.S., Trump replied: “It’s possible, yes. Yeah. That would be possible, absolutely.”
“Isn’t there sort of a tradition though in America that we don’t judge people by who their parents were and where they came from?” Dickerson asked.

“I’m not talking about tradition,” Trump replied. “I’m talking about common sense, okay? He’s somebody, he’s proud of his heritage. And I think that’s great that he’s proud of his heritage.”

When questioned on whether he would instruct his lawyers to ask that Judge Curiel get thrown out of the Trump University case, Trump said: “Well, I may do that now–We’re finding things out now that we didn’t know before.”

“Because of his Mexican heritage though?” Dickerson pressed.

“No, but because of other things,” Trump responded. “I mean because of other things.”

“You know, we have to stop being so politically correct in this country,” he added later. “And we need a little more common sense, John. And I’m not blaming. I’m proud of my heritage, we’re all proud of our heritage. But I want to build a wall. Now, the Hispanics, many of them like what I’m saying. They’re here legally. They don’t want people coming and taking their jobs and taking their house and everything else. They don’t want that.”

There was this too.

The former reality television star also addressed previous comments calling for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton to face jail time over her email server, saying what she did “is a criminal situation.”

“I would certainly have my, very fair, but I would have my attorney general look at it,” Trump said. “Yes, I would. Because everyone knows that she’s guilty. Now, I would say this: she’s guilty, but I would let my attorney general make that determination. Maybe they would disagree.”

Asked what he believed Clinton to be guilty of, Trump said that, coupled with endangering confidential information, the former secretary of state also showed poor judgment.

“She’s guilty of the server, she’s guilty of – you look at confidential information, I mean, all of the information that probably has gotten out all over the world,” he said. “And then you know what else she’s also guilty of? Stupidity and bad judgment.”

After Clinton delivered a national security address last week aiming almost entirely at Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee decried her “ridiculous” claims about him.

“It was supposed to be foreign policy and it was really Trump policy,” Trump said. “And she got it all wrong.”

“I mean first of all, you know, she talked about that I want to nuke all of these countries,” he explained. “It’s ridiculous. No, I want these countries to pay for protection. We are protecting them.”

“She made many statements that she knows were wrong,” Trump said.

Yeah, this is a person you want in charge of the biggest military and law enforcement apparatus in the world. He has a very deep understanding of how it all works.

People, this man could win. There are only two parties and anything can happen. Right now, one of them has gone completely nuts and the other one is acting a little shaky. It could happen. If it does, we will have our very own Putin. Or worse.

*(Clinton’s statements were all factual.)

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