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More clueless blubbering

More clueless blubbering

by digby


Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump reversed his position on U.S. intervention in Libya on Sunday, saying in an interview that he would have approved of a “surgical” strike to take out former Libyan Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi after telling voters the world would be better with the leader still in power.

“I didn’t mind surgical. And I said surgical. You do a surgical shot and you take him out,” Trump said in an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” aired Sunday.
But Trump has said before that U.S. involvement in Libya was a mistake.

“We would be so much better off if Gaddafi would be in charge right now,” Trump said at a Texas debate in February.

But in the interview aired Sunday, Trump flipped that stance.

“I was for something, but I wasn’t for what we have right now,” Trump said. “I wasn’t for what happened. Look at the way — I mean look at with Benghazi and all of the problems that we’ve had. It was handled horribly. … I was never for strong intervention. I could have seen surgical where you take out Gaddafi and his group.”

Future leader of the free world, people. This is what they voted for.


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