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Turning Texas blue one billboard at a time

Turning Texas blue one billboard at a time

by digby

Here’s a Blue America mobile billboard for Tom Wakely who’s running for congress against Trump endorser Lamar Smith:

Howie sez:

Lamar Smith is the chairman of the House Science Committee and is the most dangerous Climate Change denier in the U.S. He’s an enthusiastic Trump backer– the first chairman to endorse Trump and the only member of Congress to contribute money to Trump. Because of Trump, Hillary is polling gigantically in the suburbs around Austin and San Antonio (Travis and Bexar counties, which make up the bulk of TX-21, where we’ve endorsed Berniecrat Tom Wakely, who beat a conservative Democrat in the primary.She’s even beating Trump in conservative Hays County. Perfect opportunity to start turning Texas blue for real instead of just talking about it.

If you’d like to contribute to Blue America’s billboard campaign to help Tom Wakely in Texas  and NV-04, where we expect Ruben Kihuen to beat NRA patsy Cresent Hardy, NH-01, where Carol Shea-Porter looks like she can end the political career of Trumpist Frank Guinta, and NY-02, where Suffolk County legislator DuWayne Gregory is on track to oust right-wing crackpot Peter King you can do so here.

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