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He’s sick

He’s  sick

by digby
With all the president-elect has to do to prepare to take the most powerful office in the world next week, this is what he’s tweeting about:
The New York Times dryly comments:

The leap to “guilty as hell” was a big one. The investigation will center on why Mr. Comey sent a public letter to Congress in the last days of the campaign announcing that the F.B.I. was reopening the Clinton emails investigation after discovering other messages on the laptop of Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide. Days later, Mr. Comey announced that the computer held no incriminating evidence.

No  kidding. And guess who helped him do it with front pages plastered with the story for days? 
It sounds like Trump’s still upset about not being hailed as a great winner by all who see him. But it’s also a threat. 
The good news is that the coverage of the Comey interference and the new investigation make it highly unlikely that even a wingnut toadie like Jeff Sessions will decide to prosecute Clinton in revenge for Trump’s ego being bruised. It’s true that the FBI is obviously full of Trump  voters, but even they might be a little bit leery of going there at this point. 
This isn’t an act just to get elected people. Neither is it a “strategy” to distract people. It’s mental illness. 
Like this:

Our new president tweeted this morning that Russia is more credible that the “Intelligence” committee which he insists leaked the dossier — and they didn’t. (It was all over Washington for months.) 
He’s obviously not listening to anyone but the voices in his head.
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