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Online civility

Online civility

by digby

Here’s a little story about the journalist who noted on twitter that the person who created the president’s adorable video depicting him stomping CNN to the ground is a neo-Nazi.

Update: Paul Waldman writes about the media’s annoying reflex to excuse what Trump’s doing by saying “but his base loves it.” As he points out that’s not necessarily true but even if it is, it’s the wrong thing to say. (He doesn’t say, but I will, that his “base” are as awful as he is.)

He concludes:

… if you react to the latest vile Trump tweet with, “Whatever else you want to say about it, Trump’s base loves it,” you’re excusing his behavior. You’re putting it into a value-free context where the only thing that matters is whether it works. It probably doesn’t work, but even if it did, the president of the United States is sending out videos created by racist Reddit trolls that fantasize violence against the news media. That’s what’s important here, and if you don’t acknowledge that central and horrifying fact, you’re doing everyone a disservice.


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