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Mitch in the crosshairs

Mitch in the crosshairs

by digby
They’re back in business, collecting money from the anti-Washington crowd. The Trump cult will probably fork it over as long as “Daddy” (yes, the “alt-right” online types actually call him that) is angry with Mitch. 
They’ll probably make a lot of money. After all, most of the Trump voters aren’t actually hurting economically. They just don’t want people who don’t look like him to get ahead as well.

Ditch Mitch
Fellow Conservative:

Senator Mitch McConnell’s failed leadership is killing President Trump’s conservative agenda and there is no sign this will change.

President Trump asked for funding for the border wall, but Mitch McConnell said no.

President Trump campaigned on term limits for Members of Congress, but Mitch McConnell said no.

President Trump proposed budget cuts for foreign aid, but Mitch McConnell said no.

And now President Trump has called on Senate Republicans to renew their efforts to repeal Obamacare, but yet again, Mitch McConnell has said no, “it’s time to move on.”

Even worse, Mitch McConnell is now blaming the president for setting “excessive expectations” when he was the one who set these expectations with years of empty promises!!!

Please make a contribution to help us put grassroots pressure on Senate Republicans to replace Mitch McConnell.

It’s time for Senate Republicans to elect a new leader who will fight to save our country!

Mitch McConnell is a creature of the swamp who never wanted President Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton. It’s why he told Senate Republicans they should drop Trump “like a hot rock.”

It’s no surprise that McConnell is calling the president stupid now and sending his political allies out to attack the president in the press.

Help us tell Senate Republicans: “Ditch Mitch NOW!”

The president is right to question Mitch McConnell’s leadership because he is responsible for electing all of the liberal Republicans who are now blocking the president’s agenda.

And there’s no sign that is going to change.

McConnell is already taking steps to re-elect liberal Republicans who oppose Trump’s agenda and to defeat conservative candidates who pose a threat to the status quo.

In fact, his super PAC recently vowed to defend Senator Dean Heller from a primary challenge after he flip-flopped on Obamacare and voted against repeal.

Mitch McConnell doesn’t want President Trump to drain the swamp. He wants to keep rewarding his cronies with liberal policies and continue business as usual. 

Please help us fight back by making a contribution to Senate Conservatives Action today.

Your support will help us get Americans across the country to call and write their senators on this critical issue.

We can’t allow this career politician to blow our best chance to make America great again. McConnell is simply unwilling to fight for President Trump’s conservative agenda and he needs to go.

Thank you for standing strong for freedom. Thank you for taking action to promote conservative leadership in Washington.


Ken Cuccinelli II
President, Senate Conservatives Action
Former Attorney General of Virginia

P.S. Please forward this email to your family and friends so they can help us expand our campaign to replace Mitch McConnell.

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