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Arpaio for Senate? Yeah, go for it.

Arpaio for Senate? Yeah, go for it.

by digby

He lost his job as Maricopa sheriff last November by 10 points. Trump only won the state by three. But sure, this sounds like a great idea. Go for it Joe:

Controversial former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday that he is considering another run for public office, including a potential primary challenge against Sen. Jeff Flake.

Arpaio, a vocal supporter of Trump’s during the campaign, was unseated last November from his position as Maricopa County sheriff. But with his name in the spotlight once again following a pardon from Trump last week, Arpaio said he could mount another bid for public office.

“I could run for mayor, I could run for legislator, I could run for Senate,” the former sheriff told The Washington Examiner. He said, “I’m sure getting a lot of people around the state asking me” to challenge Flake, the Arizona Republican senator who refused to endorse Trump during last year’s election and one of his vocal GOP critics.

“All I’m saying is the door is open and we’ll see what happens. I’ve got support. I know what support I have,” he said.

He sure does. It goes all the way to the top.


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