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Dareell Issa, Halloweenie

Dareell Issa, Halloweenieby digby

Wonkette brings you some joyous Halloween news from San Diego:

Your comrade CindyinEncinitas gifts you pictures from San Diego, where our likeminded brethren gather every Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. to point and laugh at Darrell Issa! Let’s dig in! First, look up and see the pathetic pro-Issa assemblage of, like, four people. (15 people, and Cindy says the poor idiots admit they were paid.) That is weaksadlosersauce. Next, enjoy your True Patriots — FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY of them, according to our correspondent, wait, now it’s up to 602!!!! — celebrating America the only way possible: with cosplay and telling Darrell Issa and the “president” TO GET THE F OUT!

Issa has a big, big problem. He barely won last time.

Isn’t that great???

Check out more great pics at Wonkette.

Update: No real reason, but I thought I should just add Colbert’s monologue from last night here in case you missed it. It’s a goody:


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